Thursday, September 2, 2010

~ Interpretation in a relationship~

We have all heard the phrase... 'a picture is worth a thousand words'. What interests me the most about this phrase is, in those thousand words just how different each word can be, when the object being viewed is being interpreted through a thousand different minds. Take the photo below...this photo most definitely speaks a thousand words~
I ask that you do reply in the comment section as to your thoughts/or words on this picture  and I will moderate the words from the actual comments. Once I have received enough different interpretations I will do a follow up post with those results. My reason for this is so that your words are not swayed by another's interpretation. Please humor me with this as it is a very important part of my relationship research~

How a sender and receiver interpret each others words can be considered the fine line between love and hate in a relationship. This applies in every type of relationship, whether it be between lovers, parents and children or siblings themselves.  A message can indeed change its course the minute it is verbalized by the sender, and/or  interpreted by the receiver or receivers. Many things can play devils advocate in how a message is sent or received. Body language, voice tones, temperament of sender at the time, monetary distractions even in how the receiver is listening.  If the receiver is tired, hormonal, stressed, distracted or has traumatic past unresolved issues, they cannot possibly be hearing the message as it is being delivered, hence their ability to listen and/or hear is disabled to some degree.

It takes self-awareness and choosing appropriate times to send or receive messages as are they are initially intended. It also takes effort by both the sender and receiver to realize if and when there may be underlying issues in how the message is sent or received. Understanding yourself and understanding your partner in any relationship is vital to being able to interpret each others messages in a healthy manner. As a picture speaks a thousand words so can our own interpretations. Our minds can interpret a single word in so many ways depending on how our emotions. Being aware of your emotions or state of mind is should be your first step before either sending or receiving, because how one receives also determine how one reacts in turn. We prepare for so many things in life...isn't preparing to communicate as important, if not more important?

I look forward to your thoughts~




MG said...

Good communication in relationship is one of the virtue of human but some people are hard headed and they don't want to listen to others or they listen but they don't know what others means to say because of some different ideas and beliefs in life but i think by respecting each other ideas and listening carefully and put it into your heart and mind you can understand each other and to prevent misunderstanding in relationship...

thanks and God bless u :)

Grumpy old man said...

Hi Dorothy,
An extremely interesting picture, and one thing about it as I see it, naked woman, mostly on some men's minds...hehe... of course it is weird also in a certain way, eyes, unborn babies, etc. A mixture of many different ideas.

But as you said, a thousand words, and more than likely more, which leaves me not enough space to say it all...

Thanks for a very interesting post Dorothy, hope you are doing well.

Have a lovely week.

Cher Duncombe said...

Listening is probably the most essential part of communicating. Often emotions jumble either the transmission or receiver of words, but we all need to get better at listening.

Great post, D!

jeanlivingsimple said...

This is how I interpret the picture:

It tells the story of woman's birth, growing-up in the modern day world, and losing herself (dying) in a man's world trying to fit (his) idea of what she should be. The cycle repeats with rebirth and with lessons learned...she realizes her own power. This leads to the death of the man's projected ideals on woman. They no longer have any power over her.

Gary Anderson said...

Creepy picture. Having said that, perhaps women look at men as being monstrous. I don't know. Never make a woman very mad or the picture will reverse. From a guy's point of view.

One of The Guys said...

Jeez, I'm not sure. I kind of see the picture as a melding of male and female. I find it interesting that the baby in the womb is right where the mouth should be. Somehow that struck me.

But I'm not a great interpreter of art.

The piece freaks me out a bit. Haunting and eerie to me.

Life Moto said...

i can see is a woman with a baby.

Love and Sex Tips Expert said...

You are so correct, and interesting picture there! You are correct, communication is so important in the every day relationships, as well as with our love partners. To maintain a healthy relationship, one must have an open communication and be clear of the expectations and goals as a partner. Thanks for sharing this inspirational message :)

male masturbators said...

Good communication to both persons can strengthen relationship give time even you're both busy with your job is important.

FemmeDeBloom said...

The perspective you offered in this entry regarding communication is very unique - It is something I've always considered but it's great to see it in written form. It is so true that it is talked about that we should have great communication in relationships, but do we really think about what that entails? Saying something at the wrong time or when a person is not ready to receive the information is definitely a key aspect of defining how a discussion of something can go and can certainly create the line of love/hate in a relationship. I love your perspective and look forward to reading your blog in the future....

I'd appreciate if you took the time to check mine out! I'm new to the blogging world :)

Link: It's Up to Us! Blog

WillOaks Studio said...

I find this image to be very disturbing because to me, it's an illustration of a mind that seems sort of warped, sick even. It's hard for me to tell if he is a predator or possibly a victim, but somehow, the details trend toward a pretty unhealthy person.

blue said...

visit here with smile and happiness

glee said...

I think that desire, lust and even love all come from the mind. This is a very thought provoking picture. :)

Anonymous said...

I think people need to take responsibility for how they listen. Objectivity and respect go a long way. If your trying to live or work with someone who is so high maintenance you have to frame every word said to them- forget it.

Grace said...

This is such a beautiful interpretation of a relationship, with great illustration, too. You did not stop to amazed us. Thanks for sharing, D.

Anonymous said...

Okay...very interesting picture. Really caught my eye when I first saw it!

What I see? Woman is bound and controlled by the man from the time of her birth to the time of her adulthood, he is always watching over her. Dang...wish I could go back and look at the picture! I guess the main thing I get from it is *man is supreme control over woman*. Hmm.....

One of The Guys said...

Well stated Dorothy.

That's something I need to work at. If I get worked up about something, I often want to address it right away. The problem is, I'm worked up. In that state of mind, I know I'm sending negative out vibes, and I'm almost looking for trouble.

But it's very difficult to unlearn habits that have been part of me for decades. Awareness is the first step, but it's hard to take that second step.

Hope you've been well.

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Whilst I would’ve loved it much more if you added a relevant video or at least photos to support the description, I still thought that your content quite valuable. It’s usually challenging to make a complex subject seem so easy. I appreciate your internet site and will subscribe for your feed so I will not miss out on anything. Amazing articles or blog posts

Pab said...

Communication is always a biggie in any kind of dealing and is key if you want to go ahead in any relationship. Communicating your thoughts in words is one of the steps that will help in your self-development and the realization of your dreams.

bissell proheat said...

life is like a your home you can see lots of things there.all this things we use as satisfaction and needs. when you look at your life, you can see lots of things happened, this is actually for your satisfaction and needs. you can see in your mind you have lots of imagination and dreams,that is the life that you should know.that is my opinion about this picture.

Anonymous said...

image above represents illustrative relationships .. interesting narrative

keylogger said...

this is most interesting blogs